Wednesday 30 January 2013

My First Semester in GEOLOGI UKM rocks! :)


Hi everyone, =)
it's a pleasure being a part of this Geology family.....and let me tell u something for's awesomeeee.
well, let me start off as a saying goes "If an apple doesnt fall off the tree,Einstein wouldnt be famous by now" hehe. That was a joke.

The first day of class, hmmmmmmmm.. i still remember, the awkwardness among these group of people, the only people i knew back then were two awesome friends(not to mention their names,takut nti hidung kembang. Haha). At first, it's hard to mingle around since im used to my English. darnnn, semua cakap Melayu, memei la abe x pahe. And there were a few people from Terengganu, and Kelantan(they have weird accent i tell you) haha. honestly speaking, it's not that hard to catch up with these people. Dah hari hari aku dgr budak tu ckp terengganu, aku duk menganjing jela. ahak! well, that was it. LANGUAGE was my main problem at first. Soon, i stumbled upon some people who are different(from us). yelaaaaaaaaa, orang orang ni, perangai mcm kerek skit(not to mention their names)hahaha. so i went slowly to get to know them. Last last......hmmmm, korang tengoklah sndiri kita cmne kt klas. AHAK!

Biasalahhh, orang kata tak kenal maka x cinta. Beberapa minggu ibu usually said to me, "Ure not the only person living in this world". so kenalah memahami jugak. hehe. Biasanya salah faham, standard aaa tu.

Fuhhh banyak btul orang nk mention, berjenis jenis. hahahahha. i mean, there were several people who are always on top notch, always ready for class, and make use of the materials given. compared to me, last minit baru nak belajar. hahaha.

Hmm, Crush?
Hehe, adalahhhh.

okay okay. SERIOUS part people...

Lecture Sistem Bumi
comments: Bolehlaaaa. cuma bila part pasal ESSE mcm x faham sangat the GIST of the topic. haha.(dalam erti kata lain, senang nak goreng).Hmmm.

Lecture Bahan Bumi
comments: Lecture Dr. Jo best. taktau kenapa. i can feel the liveliness in his class(suka bertanya). :)

Lecture Peta Amali
comments: Group B Dr. IBA. perghhh dia ni. kalau lecture 1,2,3,4 selalu tegur aku. ayat dia yg common "Kenapa awak buat peta mcm ni?Jurus x tau ke mana satu? Garis singkapan bersilang dgn garis jurus laaaa? BUAT BALIK!" haaa dia ni memang laaa garang skit(i think). but lama lama kalau dah knal best.

Lecture Math
comment: I would rather pass on this. No comment. kalau korang nk power dalam subject ni. Pegi TUTOR. it will help u a lot. No comments about the tutor laaa.....especially MS.......... HEHE(Tak boleh sebut nnti si dia jealous). opsss.  :D

Lecture Physics untuk Geology
comments: hmmm, dua dua lecturer ok. serious. kuiz pon kadang kadang. attendance memang diorang ambil. haha. Honestly speaking, byk je klas aku skip. :P Dr Bahar pnye klas semua orang x kering gusi tgk telatah dia. aku pon x faham. maybe gaya dia mcm spongebob kot? haha. ahak! Hmmm, slalunya Physics tak susah mana, tapi biasalah.... bila dapat result mid sem kita semua terkezut kann? hahaha. lek laaaa. DOA banyak2 final tak lingkup. hehe

Hmmmmmmm, thats it for now. nak je upload gambar tp seganla plak kan. hehehhe. :)
adios amigos. :)

I went into geology because I like being outdoors, seeing God's creation and because everybody in geology seemed, well, they all seemed like friendly and active. You know, climbing mountains, jungle trekking, hiking and stuff like that...
Just like dream comes true....:)