Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Courses In Geology

STAG2063 Geophysics
Introduction to geophysical methods for exploration:  Principle of gravity, magnetic, resistivity, seismic refraction and reflection methods and interpretation. Application of the geophysical techniques and basic interpretation of field data. Geophysics Practical and field operation of some geophysical instrument (gravity meter, magnetometer, resistivity meter and seismograph) in the exporation of subsurface geology, underground water exploration and contamination. Students will be exposed to some basic geophysical field data acquisition and interpretation of a selected site. Laboratory exercise of some geophysical case study data.

STAG2203 Economic Geology
Theory: Introduction to some fundamental terminologies; ore, economic mineral, ore deposit, reserve. Ore forming process. Ore-lithologyrelationship. Internal process; magma, hydrothermal, pyrometasomatic, porphyry, greisen. External process; placer, residual, supergen. Geological characteristics, economic importance and genesis of some ore deposits; Sn-W, Au hydrothermal, placer, bauxite, residual. Geology and economic importance of some industrial minerals; fertilizer and chemicals, abrasives, building materials, gemstones, ceramics and limestone. Practicals: Identification of some simple hand specimen samples of ore and industrial minerals. Identification and economic importance of heavy minerals using binocular microscope. 

STAG2043 Geochemistry
Geochemistry of universe, meteorite and earth. Types of residual magma; composition of pegmatite and aplite, gases and vapour, hydrothermal solutions. Distribution of elements in rocks. Major, minor and trace elements. Chemical weathering, decomposition of rocks  and ores. Geochemical properties of elements in primary and secondary environments.  Isotope geology. The relationship between geochemistry and exploration geochemistry. Practical parts cover the sample preparation and analysis using gravimetric, titration, colorimetric and spectroscopic techniques. The aim of this course is to introduce thephotomicrographic technique, isodynamic separator, X-ray diffraction spectrometer (XRD), X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF), flame photometer (FP), atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS), CHNOS analyzer, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA).  

STAG2083 Remote Sensing
Introduction: Definition, basic principles, applications, advantages and limitations.  Aerial photograph: characteristics, elements of interpretation, lithological and geological structure interpretations. Basic principles of remote sensing satellite: physical characteristics of electromagnetic waves, atmosphere influence towards electromagnetic waves, interaction between electromagnetic waves with earth surface, spectral reflection of features/objects. Detector sensor and satellites remote sensing system: LANDSAT, SPOT and others. Radar remote sensing: RADARSAT. Satellite image processing: Principal Component Analysis, ratioing, filtering and others. Satellite image geology interpretation, lithology and structure. The latest development of remote sensing satellite.  Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Introduction and application in geology. Laboratory works focus on aerial photograph interpretations to obtain geological informations. Apart from that, few laboratory works concerning satellite image processing techniques using computer will be given at the end of the course.

STAG2243 Mapping Exercise : Kuala Krai & Bukit Kluang
Conducting a two weeks group fieldwork under supervision in an area exposing igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. For each rock type, emphasis is given to the understanding of relationship between lithologic distribution and tectonic structures, types of lithologies, internal structures and composition.  The techniques of writing field notes on the stated subjects, including those observable in the field (with scale) and interpreted (not to scale). At the end of the fieldwork, students are required to prepare a report in four days.

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